Bog Buckbean, which used to be treated as a member of the family Gentianaceae, is now placed in the family Menyanthaceae. It is circumboreal in distribution and known from much of North America, with the exception of the southcentral and southeastern United States. However, it is considered vulnerable to critically imperiled (S1 to S3) in 16 states and extirpated from Delaware. This attractive plant with legume-like leaves and beautifully bearded petals grows primarily in bogs and poor fens, but it can also be found in acidic marshes and pond margins.

I hope to have time to post some of my other photos from Douglas County, Wisconsin, both here and at Get Your Botany On!, at some point in the future.
Sweet photos! We actually have a population of this crazy thing in the Ozarks. I've only seen the plant flowering in Nova Scotia.
I like the new blog look.
Thanks Justin. I saw that there was a record from Reynolds County, Missouri. I can't imagine the habitat it is growing in or the plants it would be growing with.
Thanks for the comment on our new blog format. I think I like it, too.
It is growing in a sinkhole pond with sinkhole pond plants (funny aren't I?).
I wouldn't have expected it in a sinkhole pond. And especially not with sinkhole pond plants.
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